WiFi Configuration via Browser
Via Browser
Power on the
Make sure the
router is turned on.
Switch on the WLAN
of laptop.
for the WiFi signal “Solar-WiFi*”(*means the last 8 characters of the inverter
SN) in WLAN center and connect it. Password: 12345678
make sure there
is no other devices connected to the same Solar-WiFi*;
2).The first indicator on the inverter cover
should be double blink when connecting the “Solar-WiFi*”.

2. User Name:
Password: “admin”
Click “Log In”to enter configuration page Browse
use browser “IE”“Google””FireFox”
“Safari”. Other browser cannot 100% sure ok for the configuration.

3. User Name:
Password: “admin”
Click “Log In”to enter configuration page.

4. Click ”start Setup”

5. Select Wi-Fi router’s
SSID and click “Next”
6. Fill in the password for your WiFi network.

7. Click’Complete’ and the configuration process

Note: You
can modify the Wi-Fi module's SSID or/and password in the 'Advanced' interface.
Notice: The AP 'Solar-WiFi' might
disappear after inverter connects to WiFi router. Turn off router or do 'WiFi
Reload' operation via button on inverter if you need connect to Solar-WiFi once
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